Saturday, October 24, 2009

How can the US government afford to have a 9 trillion debt?

I mean, surely some day money has to be raised to pay it off? Is running a budget deficit "healthy"? Who do you think is most likely to decrease national debt?

How can the US government afford to have a 9 trillion debt?
we can't afford it, thats why it's called "dept"
Reply:we will always have debt. having a little debt is alright i wouldn't call it healthy. as a percentage of GDP the sum is not huge, but at one point it needs to be paid down. take the latest budget proposal of 3 trillion dollars a very huge sum in itself yet it will be 450 billion dollars short. now consider in 2001 the federal government took in something along the lines of2.1 trillion dollars and this year they will take in around 2.8 trillion dollars that's a hefty amount of spending. something tells me they can find a couple of hundred billion dollars in savings
Reply:It is scary, most Americans do not even realise that China now has the dollars and China could ruin or strongly influence American policy .

The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation

Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress.
Reply:Don't worry. It will get more once Hussein takes the lead.
Reply:The US Federal Reserve (which is actually a private bank owned by offshore elites), has been creating billions of new US dollars daily to loan to the Government and to US banks to keep everything from collapsing.

They can only keep this up for a limited time because a side effect is that the value of the dollar is decreasing because more are continually being created out of nothing.

the bottom line is that this practice will eventually destroy the US economy and financial system, and will depress other economies world-wide.
Reply:The government doesn't 'afford' anything; the people paying taxes do. This will be carried forward to our kids' kids' kids'... and the printing press will magically evaporate it by inflation - meaning you will pay for it.
Reply:Who's gonna come collect? I love the way some people rant about this, like it has some direct effect on their lives. It's like "Man, can't go to the movies this weekend because of our 9 trillion dollar debt...".
Reply:How thay can afford? Well, they have enough of weapons to "cover" such debt...
Reply:We can't afford the debt. It grows 1.49 billion dollars per day. Bush spends money like a drunken sailor.
Reply:in your personal economic picture, would it be healthy for you to always be in debt?

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