Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How can we get rid of the national debt?

Lets say i become President this november what would be the best way to get rid of our national debt. What social programs would I have to cut.

How can we get rid of the national debt?
You are already on the right track when you say, "What social programs would I have to cut?"

Reduce the size of the Federal government. Our forefathers never intended for the government to meddle in the lives of its citizens. The Federal government was instituted to assist in operating and maintaining the states as a WHOLE. Each state was to individually set their own laws and operate and maintain their state to the benefit of its residents.

Instead, the Feds are completely and totally out of hand; a move to insure the perpetual need for politicians!

Okay, so when you take over in January, Mr President, let's get back to the basics!

Thank you sir.

Reply:Start with a balanced budget. Then, start treaking things. Find programs to scale back or eliminate. Try getting a larger and larger budget surplus, with the surplus being applied to the debt.

Of course, this will never truly happen. Everything would have to go through Congress, and that would mean eliminating some of their "pet" projects. It also could not be accomplished with one President, even serving two terms. The debt is just too large that it will take many, many Presidental terms to deal with it.
Reply:You can cut every expenditure in the budget, and you still won't get rid of the debt. It has been building up for too long for any one president to eliminate, even with 2 terms. A good start, though, would be to balance the budget. Bill Clinton managed to do it, so it's not impossible.
Reply:Most all social programs; The gov was never designed to provide fuel,housing,food,medical treatment, --aka social assistance programs.

Opportunity was offered as well as protection from government abuse,seizure, etc

Individuals were to chose how/what they would do (WORK) !!! NO GUARANTEE of success,health, a livable income, a job, etc. was provided or even implied.

AS a nation,our society chose to support the elderly, infirm/ disabled,orphans/kids in need of care, and the military vets.

...simply put,,

-stop funding all the assistance programs (unemployment,low income subsidies,baby "support",food stamps, low income housing,fuel,utilities etc . Verify disabilities, citizenship, identity etc.

-eliminate congressional pork,reduce congressional staff #'s ,print all government forms/signs in ENGLISH only,

-eliminate budget lines for congressional travel,transportation (limo/courier svs), creation of "commissions" to "study x, the Black caucus,stop funding the "arts", NPR, ACLU, Planned parenthood etc.

Require complete transparency of all Congressional legislators investments,assets including land, foundations, funds and affiliations even if serving as non paid board membersAND legislative text in bills including add ons,or last minute inserts/amendments and the names of those authors or those submitting.

Limit terms in congress (10 yrs max in EITHER senate or House.).

Rework the IRS to where it actually collects all taxes and prosecutes those failing to report their off the books income.

Deport all illegal aliens.(their us citizen kids can return to the USA when they are 21).

We need to return to being a nation of doers/achievers, seekers/innovators not a nation of poorly educated,skill-less, lazy,drug or other additictons. Stop catering (paying/supporting) those who want everyone to be responsible for their decisions/choices.

We cannot "get rid" of the debt until we recognize that the greatest drain is from our own self-serving legislators and the people who think they must have "help" =tax money... NO ONE IS GUARANTEED A great life or lifestyle,good health, or immunity from loss or hardship.

Education is free,skills can be learned,eveyrone must work to secure their own basic needs (food,shelter,4 for utilities,medical needs, ) There is no "right" to a job,or a TV,Phone, Car, vacation,sports tickets, etc. Opportunity exists and each member of society (except the elderly,disabled,orphans,military vets,) must be willing to work toward achieving their desires/goals.

We need to clean out Congress and prevent self serving political policies as well as the political power games. The security and welfare of the nation should NEVER be placed at risk by a dysfunctional,ideologically obsessed politicians . The US is not responsible for the poverty,and problems in oppressed countries and cannot continue to "Hope" that others will embrace or recognize the benefits of democracy. (one can lead a horse to water but not make him drink)...what help we do provide must be reassessed since corruption is rampant both in individual countries and the UN.

...As President your power to reform Congress is limited but you can make it clear to the world that the US is no longer going to waste carrots on dangerous ideologues,deceivers looking to play both sides, or power hungry obsessed leaders.

We value those who believe the planet is best served when all nations act a good neighbors rather than aggressive nations looking to destroy / grab power or land /resources of another nation.

Reply:Well it will be tough decision to chose what to cut. There is no best way to get rid of the debt without a sacrifice. Although its possible for the debt to be gone but its going to take years. If you are worried about the debt, so am I. It needs to be taken care of before it is to late.
Reply:One of the first things to do would be to stop all the duplication of programs. Collect all the money owed by whoever or whatever nation owes it. Stop lending until it is all paid back. Yeah, I know, it's a big dream!
Reply:You could simply limit government to it's Constitutional functions.

Then your problem would be what to do with all the excess tax revenues. Perhaps return it to the people!
Reply:get rid of all the Democrats in the U.S

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