Friday, March 12, 2010

Where can a person with bad credit get a loan to pay off debt?

I had some trouble with credit cards in the past and it's all catching up with me now. I would like to get a loan to pay off all of my debt so I can start fresh again. I have a full-time job and I just want to get my credit back on track. It's not that easy when you have bad credit, because nobody will approve you for a loan. Are there any places that give loans to people like me?

Where can a person with bad credit get a loan to pay off debt?
Will you listen to yourself?? You want to borrow more money because you are so in debt you can't pay back money you borrowed? Trust me, if you can find a loan out there DO NOT do it. It will be at a looney-toons interest rate and before you know it instead of a lot of debts you can't pay you will have one big debt that's impossible to pay. Check out this guy; He has built an empire helping dorks like you (and me two years ago) dig their way out of debt and into money, money, money! It's not easy, it's not an overnight deal and it's not a scam. His method is based on principals you and I already know, he just lays it out in a fashion that makes sense and is workable. You can also listen to him on the radio for FREE everyday. Give it a try before you leap into the void. Two years ago I was sinking under credit card debt, car notes, house notes, personal loans, etc. They were all past due, all were hitting me with late fees, over limit fees and I really thought I would collapse under the weight of it all. I not only managed to pay off all the stupid cards and loans but I purchased a house (oh, did I mention I was going through a divorce at the time?) and have started building my savings in spades.
Reply:How to Clean Up Credit Report


Step-by-Step Credit Repair Guide

Reply:Check out your local Consumer Credit Counseling organization. Or there are others that are similar, but what you want to watch for are the ones that are non profit organizations that actually help you get out of debt, not ones that loan you more money.

I was in the worst credit shape of my life about 5 years ago. I got the threatening phone calls, every day my mailbox was full of overdue notices, i could barely make the minimum payment on my credit cards, and certainly not on time. For every payment i made, i got further behind.

I contacted my CCC and went to a counselor, she sat down and made a list of all my creditors, went through my budget, and was able to work out a payment arrangement to pay everything off in 3 years. CCC is able to reduce the amount of interest you pay, take off over the limit fees and late fees, and all kinds of things that we cannot do ourselves (or that are very hard to get someone to do for us). I am very proud to say that i paid off my debt in 2.5 yrs, i now own my very first house, and i am much more aware and responsible with my credit. My credit score has probably gone up several hundred points.

No loan is going to help you. I tried that before, and you just incur more debt.

Personal Loans

Financial Services

Home Equity Loans

Financial Services
Reply:Yeah, the credit card companies that gave you the credit in the first place. They gave loans to someone like you. I don't really see the point in replacing debt with different debt, unless you're getting better interest rates. I certainly wouldn't consider that "starting fresh." You're still going to have the same debt, just in a different form.

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