Sunday, March 14, 2010

Republicans, I am curious. How exactly do you intend to address an ever increasing national debt?

if you are not taking any additional taxes from anyone. Where is the money to manage this debt going to come from?

Republicans, I am curious. How exactly do you intend to address an ever increasing national debt?
They won't get the chance. John McCain will never be President, Sarah Palin will go back to Alaska, and 'Joe the Plumber' will fade away amidst a sea of other discarded neologisms.

The Republican party is dead.
Reply:It wont be paid off. Republicans and democrats both increase the debt.

Clinton added trillions, Bush added trillions more.

As for taxes, we could not tax enough to pay off the national debt. The only thing that could be done is to reduce the size of the federal government to its CONSTITUTIONAL duties. This means eliminating about 65% of the federal government - saving about $2,000,000 Million (2 trillion) per year.

Also, we would need to abolish the FED reserve. Because with the fed, instead of visible taxes, they simply print money. And printing money creates inflation, and inflation is an invisible tax - as it reduces the value of your dollars.

Technically, you could eliminate visible taxes, and just print more money. It takes over a year for the value of the dollar to go down, and the short attention span of voters would know no better. This is basically what is happening now. You can tax at 30% visible without much complaint, but you can tax at %500 with inflation and get ZERO complaint.

The neocons will speak of "cutting govt" and "cutting taxes" but it will be the same as bush (possibly less extreme), and the same as what any democrat would do. Just a different flavor on the face of it.

No matter what, we the people are forced (by the republicrats) to have a larger government, a more powerful government, a more expensive government, more national debt, a weaker dollar, more military empire around the world, and less freedom %26amp; liberty.
Reply:It is called REFORM:

— action to improve social or economic conditions without radical or revolutionary change.

— improve by alteration, correction of error, or removal of defects; put into a better form or condition.

— abolish abuse or malpractice.

— make right what is wrong.

— correct, modify, or rectify.

McCain has a long history of reform. We don't need new expensive programs we need to fix the ones we got.

Obama's mantra is CHANGE:

— give a completely different form or appearance to

— lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; switch

— Money of smaller denomination given or received in exchange for money of higher denomination.

— perform two tasks at once by alternating or a single task by alternate means

— undergo or cause to undergo mutation

— exchange (one thing) for another of the same class

— be altered as part of a systematic historical shift
Reply:As a rule they will tell you that McCain plans on cutting earmarks. More accurately they mean extra spending.

Its a nice idea, but it won't be enough. I already did some of the math.

For the year of 2008, that extra spending amounted to about $500 billion. Let's give McCain the benefit of the doubt, and say he cuts all of that next year. I'll do him even better, we'll say he finds $100 billion each successive year more than that.

So for 2009, he cuts $500 billion. in 2010, $600 billion. in 2011, $700 billion. And in 2008, $800 billion.

There is no way he can find that much, it doesn't exist. There's also the fact that he'd be going up against a Democrat Congress; and finally the fact that even the Republicans in Congress have said they won't back McCain on every cut he wants to make. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt. We'll say he found a way to cut all that.

That adds up to $2.6 trillion over the next four years, his entire term.

I won't even count his expenses over the next four years. Things like the Iraq War, Aghanistan, those tax credits he promised for various items, environmental protection, and just basic running of a country. I won't count those against him.

And the fact that Bush promised far less than McCain has, and is still running with a $400 billion deficit in the budget; I will simply say McCain found a way to get rid of that as well. Again, that is practically impossible, but lets say he found it.

With all that, he found $2.6 trillion dollars over 4 years. Take it away from the $10 trillion debt, and he is at a little under $8 trillion.

Nowhere close to balancing anything.
Reply:now, you see, you're asking about the national debt, but i, sarah palin would rather discuss my energy policies because renewable energy is our future... the rest of our nation can go to hell just fine, but energy, people- listen to these genius ideas that i've borrowed for this discussion...

now, lets move away from that ridicule- leave it for the pros (i.e. tina fay)... but seriously, i dont understand how they plan on solving any problems that matter to most americans... all i can say is that if a republican takes office, we are pretty much doommed in terms of our financial crisis, international relations, and our supposed status as a world power... can we please do something about the real problems rather than using war and "maverick"ness and "i'm like you" talk to sway undecided voters?

all i can say is people- get out there and vote; if you're like many of my good friends who can't vote, then get involved to at lease get your voice heard!
Reply:You people need to get the facts straight before you post this garbage. If you listened to the man he said with every new funding program another program will be cut to even it out. There are programs that do not work and we need to move in a new direction. We spend 10 billion dollars a month on the war. This will save a lot of money that we can invest on important things such as energy, education, etc.
Reply:Ask Obama..he said he was not raising the taxes on 95% of the people

This is so corny it is is just *WORDS*

THE Ulatimate Universal Health Plan? Another mystery that won't happen..

No money in Washington means no change for socialistic failures
Reply:Yoda, Yoda Yoda....

McCain and Palin are the ONLY ones who have actually addressed the budget deficit, and pledged to balance it. Obummer has said literally NOTHING about it lol

He wants $1 trillion in new spending
Reply:Are you aware that the Republicans are not the majority.

Since the Congress controls the purse shouldn't you be asking this question of the Democrats?
Reply:I heard bush was looking for a leprechaun and four leaf clover to solve the problem. And Mccain was going to help but he's looking for a jeanie just to beat obama.
Reply:ending liberal earmarks as in the pelosi/ried regimes attempt to defile both national defense bills.
Reply:Yoda Yoda Yoda aliens have nothing to do with U.S.A .Politics.
Reply:Less government spending is the answer, not more taxes. We are taxed enough as it is. So don't vote for Obummer.
Reply:It's called spend, spend, spend and borrow from China.
Reply:lower monthly house payments....more opportunity for people to buy houses= more consumers= higher economy
Reply:Stop spending so much.
Reply:they will just ignore it.
Reply:making it bigger would be my guess as to what they would do to address it.
Reply:They should have had a debate where us American people asked REAL questions.

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