Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How can conservatives justify the historical size of US debt?

Why is anything labeled "defense" ok even if it is "offense"?

Everyone wants lower taxes but who is going to pay off the mounting debt?

How can conservatives justify the historical size of US debt?
They thought of it as a strategy known as "starving the {government} beast" (beginning with Ronald Reagan who doubled the national debt). Their fatuous theory was government spending would have to be cut if you kept running up the deficits. What they didn't realize is they were nothing more than cranked-up Keynesians (deficit spending and monetary stimulus together). But when the economy got going under it's own steam, they didn't dial back either stimulus. This led to a bubble of some sort in some sector that eventually burst. But then they cranked-up another notch the same stimuli to save us from the bursting bubble. Round and round it went (with a Clinton pause that balanced the budget with higher taxes as we grew) until we now face approximately $50 trillion in total credit market debt (all sectors except corporate debt).

As we warned them over and over, if they kept doing that while pursuing their irresponsible supply-side economics the economy would collapse and there would be no government to save us from ourselves.

Now the debt bubble (the ultimate bubble of doom) is bursting and we've run out of options....except for the Third World to lend us more of their savings.
Reply:You can start with Roosevelt and the New deal socialist programs that robbed from the American worker and created BIG centralized government.. America has been trying to keep up with the payments ever since.
Reply:How can liberal democrats justify raising taxes in a so-called "recession"?
Reply:the same way the democratic congress can justify approving it. hey, it didn't suddenly appear in the last 8 years. it's been climbing for quite some time. you cannot seriously believe that the republicans are the only ones that have earmarked monies? please.
Reply:Great question! They simply CAN'T. But many true conservatives were talked into voting for Bush and Company, who doesn't give a damn about conservative ideas. Bushco just wants to get into the middle east in a big way and stay there to keep the oil going from all over that area. It is a trade/business strategy using our money to pay for their business.
Reply:last I looked there were 2 political parties in this Country. You can't blame conservatives without at least menctioning liberals.From what I have seen the libs attach just as many if not more earmarks as conservatives do.
Reply:I don't think you can call it a conservative debt. The Conservatives didn't create this mess all by themselves. It took the President and Congress to make some of this mess, and we the American people are to blame for a big part of the mess. We are to blame because we let out elected politicians do what they want and don't hold them accountable. We the American People, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are allowing this to happen. We have laid back and allowed our Educational System go down the tubes, we have turned our back on God, we allow people to burn our flag, endorse homosexuality, have destroyed the traditional family, want the government to solve all our problems, don't believe in personal responsibility anymore, and blame the other guy for everything.
Reply:Well for starters Democrats had just as much to do with it as Republicans. Does a Democratic congress(lawmakers) sound familiar to you?
Reply:You have to raise taxes to do it. The USA has a retarded 9.2 trillion $$$ in debt and it doesn't have decent leaders who try to find ways to pay it off. I think Red China holds $1.8 trillion of it. If China drops just 10% of what it holds, the USA is already officially screwed. The USA is currently living on a credit card that has interest payments that are piling up rapidly.
Reply:Well I guess we all are going to be paying down the debt that the "Conservative" compassionate born again christian has saddled us with, and what we, do not pay down the next generation will, if there is a next generation.

It will not matter what party is in the WH next year taxes are going up and you can count on that being a reality. Like it or not.
Reply:they will blame it on clinton or the last 2 yrs. dem's have been in congress ignoring the previous 7 yr. republican congress and the way it will be paid off is to simply lower taxes so it stimulates the growing economy. problem solved. pffft.
Reply:Well, since we owe our trend of indebtedness to FDR, a liberal it's just that, a debt.

Sometimes the best defense is a good offense, what do think the value of the USD$ is going to be if we're fighting wars on our soil and not theirs?
Reply:the cons use the same mind set the Dem's use, is the Dem's in control of the house, and the house holds the purse strings to the money spent, spending bill goes to the president, without having been passed by the Democratic house of Representatives,.....
Reply:Why do liberals never entertain the idea of cutting spending as a solution to mounting debt?
Reply:Good question. It must be the liberal dems fault for not winning enough seats in Congress to keep the crazy spending Repubs out of office.
Reply:The same way they justify everything else: "It's the Liberal Democrats fault" and "We need another Reagan".
Reply:Yeah.. it's kind of funny that they always talk about big government and how the Dems want it... but by far we spend the most on our military. Far more than we need if you ask me, and that's what really costs taxpayers

azalea tree

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